User Profile - KowaIas
Username | KowaIas |
ID | 71249660 |
Level | Moderator (500) |
Points | 215654 (Rank 44) |
Messages sent | 71429 (Rank 23) |
Last seen | 2025-02-18 06:21:13.150922+00:00 |
Last active in chat | 2025-02-09 03:05:35.335580+00:00 |
Time spent watching the stream | 4 months and 8 days |
Time spent in offline chat | 1 year and 6 days |
Permabanned on roboweest | No |
Duel stats
Duels Total | 12 |
Duels Won | 4 |
Duels Lost | 8 |
Winrate | 33.33% |
Profit from duels | -1837 points |
Last duel | 2022-05-27 18:40:55.726691+00:00 |
Longest Win Streak | 2 |
Roulette stats
Total points rouletted for | 390154 |
Roulettes amount | 8 |
Profit | -148340 |
Winrate | 37.50% |
Biggest winstreak | 3 |
Biggest losestreak | 4 |
Biggest win | 64556 |
Biggest loss | -218670 |
Roulette history
Time | Diff |
2022-05-27 18:24:19.050441+00:00 | -218670 |
2022-03-22 13:32:31.166312+00:00 | 64556 |
2021-12-28 20:58:42.908661+00:00 | 46351 |
2021-12-28 20:55:21.082592+00:00 | 10000 |
2021-09-29 00:25:48.209376+00:00 | -22542 |
2021-08-16 21:08:22.910306+00:00 | -10547 |
2021-07-27 06:24:22.135201+00:00 | -4505 |
2021-07-15 23:33:10.268856+00:00 | -12983 |