User Profile - QereweYT
Username | QereweYT |
ID | 80783428 |
Level | User (100) |
Points | 243980 (Rank 31) |
Messages sent | 26015 (Rank 100) |
Last seen | 2025-02-27 08:30:04.470758+00:00 |
Last active in chat | 2025-02-27 07:17:36.811600+00:00 |
Time spent watching the stream | 2 months and 10 days |
Time spent in offline chat | 5 months and 12 hours |
Permabanned on roboweest | No |
Duel stats
Duels Total | 1 |
Duels Won | 0 |
Duels Lost | 1 |
Winrate | 0.0% |
Profit from duels | -420 points |
Last duel | 2021-09-05 02:22:29.062324+00:00 |
Roulette stats
Total points rouletted for | 116105 |
Roulettes amount | 3 |
Profit | 90601 |
Winrate | 66.67% |
Biggest winstreak | 2 |
Biggest losestreak | 1 |
Biggest win | 102918 |
Biggest loss | -12752 |
Roulette history
Time | Diff |
2023-09-18 21:46:05.129299+00:00 | 102918 |
2021-04-26 04:38:27.597466+00:00 | 435 |
2019-11-28 04:40:21.893082+00:00 | -12752 |