User Profile - shooksby

Username shooksby
ID 180468535
Level User (100)
Points 109341 (Rank 130)
Messages sent 84159 (Rank 20)
Last seen 2024-07-24 02:22:54.340175+00:00
Last active in chat 2023-12-05 05:02:04.042291+00:00
Time spent watching the stream 3 months and 9 days
Time spent in offline chat 4 months and 11 days
Permabanned on roboweest No

Duel stats

Duels Total 4
Duels Won 2
Duels Lost 2
Winrate 50.0%
Profit from duels -546 points
Last duel 2021-12-28 20:54:50.902222+00:00

Roulette stats

Total points rouletted for 338560
Roulettes amount 18
Profit -46918
Winrate 55.56%
Biggest winstreak 3
Biggest losestreak 2
Biggest win 64166
Biggest loss -139162

Roulette history

Time Diff
2022-03-16 21:40:10.053676+00:00 41434
2022-02-07 23:57:59.765288+00:00 14612
2021-12-28 20:56:53.970278+00:00 -9824
2021-12-06 00:21:25.824481+00:00 -139162
2021-11-09 03:13:12.288983+00:00 64166
2021-08-16 21:08:11.725380+00:00 10595
2021-08-07 20:18:50.300443+00:00 4470
2021-07-27 06:25:14.408324+00:00 -975
2021-07-25 08:24:06.824565+00:00 -12417
2021-06-22 20:21:33.524188+00:00 475
2021-06-21 21:36:25.785197+00:00 -5756
2021-06-06 03:26:38.818823+00:00 -6210
2021-06-06 03:26:06.443780+00:00 3105
2021-05-30 03:08:00.003967+00:00 290
2021-05-29 03:57:50.710426+00:00 -2206
2021-05-20 04:34:15.115583+00:00 -16189
2021-05-10 01:50:20.699141+00:00 6274
2021-04-26 02:34:33.312724+00:00 400